Enable retirement plan participation for all

Enable employees that are struggling with student loan debt to save for retirement with a Secure 2.0 Retirement Match for qualified student loan payments.

Our Secure Your Future platform is an end-to-end employer, record keeper, and plan sponsor solution including compliance, verified payment certification, employee decision support tools, coaching support and employer dashboard reports, and is compatible with all record keepers.

Schedule a demo to see this powerful benefit >>>

Secure product features
"When the Secure 2.0 Act was passed, we saw it as an opportunity to offer another way for our employees to earn a matching contribution to our retirement plan. We aimed to bridge the gap between employees’ immediate financial needs and long-term goals, which can be a differentiator with those that are wrestling with student loan debt."  Tuition.io client, ~65k eligible employees.

Secure 2.0 Retirement Match Features

Simple Enrollments

Our hosted enrollment flow provides a simple explanation of the benefit, clear expectations on steps to enroll, and personalized pathways to get started.

Decision Support Tools

Designed to help employees understand benefit provisions and provide unique insights to help maximize their retirement savings and
optimize their student loan payments.

Advanced Calculators

Employees can use calculators and forward-looking simulators to help understand their enhanced retirement savings and financial implications across different repayment scenarios.

Verified Certifications

Our platform tracks qualifying student loan payments and provides employees a fully-digitized interface to certify each qualifying payment.

Match Calculation

Our platform provides each employee a personalized company match calculation based on the employer's unique Secure 2.0 plan design(s).

Administrative Ease

Receive automated file feeds to your payroll system and/or retirement record keeper for crediting the employee's retirement account.

Tuition.io's Student Loan Coaching Services

A one-stop concierge service for employees and family members trying to better manage their student loan debt.

Learn more about how this service sets us apart from our competitors >>> 

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